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그림 클리커(Grim clicker) 스킬 트리에 있는 모든 스킬들 200304 기준

내가 평소에 클리커류 게임을 잘 안 하는 편인데, 얼마 전에 그림 클리커(Grim clicker)라는 게임을 리뷰하면서 손을 대게 됐다.
도트도 괜찮고 꽤나 재밌네… 하는 사이 70시간이 넘게 흘렀더라.
어떤 게임인지 혹시 궁금한 사람이 있으면 아래 영상을 참고하고, 이미 게임을 알고 있고 스킬 트리에 무슨 스킬이 있는지 궁금하다면 아래에 글로 정리한 내용을 확인하면 된다.
아직 얼리억세스 단계라서 오픈이 되지 않은 스킬들도 많다.
모든 스킬들이 다 열리고 나면 한 번 더… 정리를 할..까…?
우선은 20년 3월 4일 기준으로 작성된 내용임을 참고하면 된다.

스킬 트리에 있는 대로 힘, 민첩, 지혜 순으로 정리했다.
[A]는 액티브, [P]는 패시브, [M]은 마스크 스킬이다.
아는 사람은 알겠지만 마스크 스킬은 한 개밖에 못 배우니 빌드의 핵심 스킬로 삼으면 된다.
힘, 민첩, 지혜 모두 오토를 돌릴 수 있도록 스킬 트리에 안배를 해놓은 것으로 보이지만, 사람들의 평으로 지혜가 제일 구리다고들 한다.
난 그냥 개인적으로 힘 캐릭을 선호해서 애초에 지혜 스킬은 건드려보지도 않았다.

각 스킬 위에 있는 숫자는 필요한 스탯 수치다.
예를 들면 Rage of darkness는 힘 스탯 1을 찍어야 배울 수 있다는 의미.
이 정도면 필요한 설명은 모두 한 것 같다.
도움이 되었다면 글 옆에 있는 광고 정도는 클릭해줘도 된다.

<> Strength Skills <>


Rage of darkness [A]
The skill clicks for you 8 times per second until the energy runs out.
During the duration of the skill, physical damage increases by 50%
Skill can only be applied with full energy.

Bloodthirstiness [P]
Each killed enemy restores 2 energy.
Bats restores 40 energy.


Flame flow [A]
Mana cost : 20
Creates 1 fire streams.
Each fire stream deal 143 damage per second to the monsters it touches.
(Damage caused by the streams is directly depends to your physical damage.)


Greed [P]
+2 ruby from each monster.(Value of tubies is determined by the zone)

March [A]
Focus on moving forward without being distracted by clicks.
While this skill is running, the cost of a click increases by 10!
Duration : 3 minutes
Damage increases by 1% every second
During a march, the speed of movement and attacks increases


Mask of fire [P][M]
Bonus to the damage from strength increases by 10 times!
But the chance of crit is alwats 0%


Fire sword [A]
Mana cost : 100
The spell creates a fiery sword that flies and deals damage to enemies.
Initially, sword damage is 100% of your weapon damage.
Each time this sword strikes, it gains experience and can level up.
Increasing the level increases the damage of the sword.
The skill level affects how many zones sword can exists.
Sword exists 2 zones


Blacksmith craft [P]
Automatically upgrades weapon once every 999 seconds.
(There should be enough rubies for the upgrade)
Weapons damage +100%

Bloody vine [P]
+2 mana from each monster.


Indefatigability [P]
Works only during the March
During march, damage increases by 3% every second


Bonfire flame [P]
Auto bonfire pickup
When collectiong a bonfire, the level of all items in the hand increases by 5.
The effect lasts until the end of the area.


[Early access]
We’re working on that skill!
It’s impossible to learn it yet.
This skill will appear in the next version.
It is planned that the skill will do th following :

Chain strike [P]
When you hit a monster, an additional chain strike is created.
this strike causes additional damage to the monster and rolls over to the next monster if the monsters are standing nearby.
moreover, a chain strike might spilt into two and continue moving.
Chain strike damage : 90% of weapon damage
split probability : 20%

[Early access]
We’re working on that skill!
It’s impossible to learn it yet.
This skill will appear in the next version.
It is planned that the skill will do th following :

Flex [A]
When using this skill, swords (and other weapons) in the hands of the character get 1 temporary level for every 300% strength bonus.
Effect : +3 temporary levels when using a skill
skill colldown : 1000 seconds (16:40)


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.

<> Dexterity Skills <>


Huntsman [P]
At a critical hit, a firefly will appear with a 50% chance
Maximum fireflies on the screen : 2

Sprint [A]
Mana cost : 5
Moves forward instantly.
Deal 150 damage


Devourer of the light [P]
Each collected firefly restores 10 energy and creates 1 more rubies.


Assasin mask [P][M]
The first hit to the monster is always critical.


Nimble fingers [P]
+100% damage if click.


Photosynthesis [P]
+2 energy per second.


Wind king mask [P][M]
Souls fill progress bar 20 times faster.
Dexterity +2


Cunning [P]
Chance 10% that the autoclick will appear on the firefly(bat, spider, etc.)
Chance 10% to instantly kill an ordinary monster with a crit(does not affect bosses and champions)
Chance 10% to auto-start available active skill(once every 3 seconds)
Chance 10% to get 2x rubies from a monster


Ambush [A]
Energy cost : 200
Guaranteed crit. strikes : 2


Evolution [P]
+1 to max. energy
Skill will not be reset after the ritual!
(But you can only learn it if you have the dexterity)

Right on target [P]
Crit damage +250%


Poison strike [A]
Mana cost : 16
Add +5 poison to a monster.
The effects of poisoning stack up.
the poisoned monster gets +X% damage from hits, where X is the value of the poisoning.


Rough clicks [P]
Click cost is reduced by 2
Crit chance is reduced by 3
The number of crits given by Abush is decreases by 3


Poisoned weapon [P]
5% chance that Poison strike skill will automatically trigger when you hit a monster.
Skill won’t require mana.
You must have at least on level of Poison strike for this effect to work.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.

<> Wisdom Skills <>


Blizzard [A]
Mana cost : 30
Duration : 45 seconds.
Blizzard deals 120 damage to all monsters on the screen once per second.
Also damages firefliesand bats.


Flash [P]
x2 Blizzard damage, 1/2 Blizzard duration
Flame flow mana coste : 15, -1 Flame flow from that spell


Magic amplification [P]
The skill amplifies weapons with magic, but increases the cost of clicks.
Weapon damage : +75%
click cost : +1 energy


Mana breathing [P]
+10 to max mana
+50% mana regen rate


Piligrim mask [P][M]
Mana and energy are fully refilled when the bonfire is collected.
At the beginning of each area, an additional bonfire is created.
Bonfires are collected automatically.
Every 12 seconds weapon is automatically upgraded(but you need to have rubies for upgrade).
Every 3 seconds the active skills are automatically started(but you need to have the necessary mana).


Spider mixture [P]
The collected spiders jump into a mana orb.
Each spider refills 0.2 mana per second
Max spiders : 3


Lump of mana [A]
Mana cost : 75
A mana ball is created.
When it hits a monster, it deals 150 damage.
The damage depends on the overall weapon damage and the max mana.
Formula : (Weapon_damage)*(skill_level)*(Max_mana)


Ice swords [P]
The blizzard deals an additional 100% of total weapon damage.


Diviner’s luck [P]
60% chance that the mana lump will keep moving if it kills the monster
10% chance that the mana lump will do a critical damage
7% chance that the blizzard will do a critical damage


Mask of the third eye [P][M]
+10 sp
Allows you to see all the skills.
By spending 10 sp, you can unlock any skill.
The skill will receive 1 level and then it can be learned as usual.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.


[Early access]
This skill is not ready yet.
If you have any ideas for it, we will be glad to hear them at the game’s Steam forum.

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